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The Ph.D. program in Community College Leadership is designed to prepare professionals for leadership positions in community colleges. The program consists of courses in history and philosophy of the community college, leadership and organizational theory, leading and managing a community college, and research and statistics.

Program highlights:

The Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership consists of a minimum of 61 credit hours above the master's degree.

Who should pursue this degree?

To be eligible for admission to the program, you must hold a master's degree from an accredited institution, meet the basic requirements specified for graduate students at Mississippi State University, demonstrate interest in the mission of community colleges and demonstrate academic proficiency.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per credit hour $558.50
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

What are some potential careers?

Those interested in careers in community college administration and higher education leadership should apply for this degree program.


What are some potential careers?


Program Structure

Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
Core Courses
CCL 8113 Community College History/Philosophy 3
CCL 8123 Community College Finance 3
CCL 8233 Community College Legal Issues 3
CCL 8333 Community College Administration 3
CCL 8283 Leadership in Community College Administration 3
CCL 8353 Applications of Organizational Theory and Behavior in Community College Leadership 3
CCL 8153 Human Resources Administration 3
Interdisciplinary Courses
HED 8673 Planning and Institutional Research in Higher Education 3
CCL 8343 Community Development and Resources 3
Research Courses
EPY 6214 Educational and Psychological Statistics 4
EPY 8214 Intermediate Educational and Psychological Statistics 4
EDF 9373 Educational Research Design 3
EDF 9453 Introduction to Qualitative Research in Education 3
CCL 9000 Dissertation Research/ Dissertation in Community College Leadership 20
Additional Requirements, if needed
CCL 8213 Internship in Community College Leadership1 3
Total Hours 61-64

1Required of students lacking community college work experience.

Admissions Process

Spring Enrollments need complete applications by October 15

Summer Enrollments need complete applications by March 15

The Community College Leadership PhD Program awards five fellowships of $15,000 each year. The process is competitive and is based on materials submitted for admission including an interview with faculty. A separate fellowship application is not required. The $15,000 fellowship will be distributed across the student’s time in the program. Recipients are required to be currently employed in a community college and maintain employment in a community college through completion of the degree.

Domestic/International Classified Admissions

  1. Submit online application. You will choose Doctor of Philosophy in Community College Leadership as your Program of Study and Online Education as your campus.
  2. Statement of Purpose
  3. Three letters of recommendation
    • You will be asked to submit three names and three email addresses of individuals you are using as references. Once you click submit, these individuals will be sent an email from MSU, which will provide a link to an online form for completing their recommendations.
  4. Demonstrated potential for achieving excellence as a doctoral student in an interview conducted by Leadership and Foundations faculty
  5. One year of full-time work experience in the community college setting and current employment within a community college at the time of application.
  6. TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for international students.
  7. One official transcript showing ALL work after bachelor’s degree. A GPA of 3.40 on a 4.00 scale is required for the completed master’s degree and all other graduate degrees and graduate-level coursework completed. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
    • Electronic transcripts should be sent to: Mississippi State University, Graduate School. Only one copy of an electronic transcript is required.
    • Paper Transcripts Address (USPS):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      P.O. Box G
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
    • Physical Street Address (for DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, DHS, etc.):
      Mississippi State University
      The Office of the Graduate School
      175 President Circle
      116 Allen Hall
      Mississippi State, MS 39762
  8. Resume documenting his/her career in professional education
  9. Payment of $60 non-refundable application processing fee for domestic students.
    Payment of $80 non-refundable application processing fee for international students.
  10. Once you are admitted, you will receive an email with complete instructions on registering for classes and contacting your advisor.

Please note that your application will not be considered until all forms have been submitted and your application fee has been paid.


Community College Leadership Program of Study
(Minimum of 27 Credit Hours)

CCL 8113 History and Philosophy of the Community College
Three hours lecture. Objectives of the community college, philosophical/historical bases, changing roles, issues in higher education/workforce development/economic industry.

CCL 8123 Community College Finance and Budgeting
Three hours lecture. Analyzes tools, methods, problems in community college financial management, revenue sources, budget preparation, risk management, purchasing, employee compensation.

CCL 8233 Community College Legal Issues
Three hours lecture. In-depth analysis of the legal/policy issues pertaining to students, faculty, and administrators of community colleges.

CCL 8283 Leadership in Community College Administration
Three hours lecture. Nature and types of leadership and foundation theories. Uses of theory in administrative problem solving by applying models to community college mission, organization, and academe.

CCL 8333 Community College Administration
Three hours lecture. In-depth analysis of community college governance, structure, functions, and its relationship with external groups, state government.

CCL 8353 Applications of Organizational Theory and Behavior in Community College Leadership
Three hours lecture. Nature and types of community college leadership and foundation theories for understanding and managing modern organizations in relation to community college mission, organization, and academe.

HED 8673 Planning and Instit Research in Higher Ed
Three hours lecture. An overview of planning models and approaches, effective reporting techniques, and common functions carried out by institutional research offices. Focus is on concepts, methodologies, research practices, and information systems that support institutional decision-making for improvements.

CCL 8153 Human Resources
Examines the role of the human resources administrator on workforce education leadership; key administrative functions, workforce development, benefits and compensation, and employee relations are analyzed.

CCL 8343 Community Development and Resources
In-depth analysis of community environment in which community colleges serve, including strategic planning, asset mapping, project development, resources and grant writing, and project evaluation.

Research Courses
(Minimum of 14 Credit Hours)

EDF 9373 Educational Research Design
(Prerequisites: EDF 8363 and EPY 8214 or equivalents; consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. A study of various designs of research and preparation of research proposals.

EDF 9453 Introduction to Qualitative Research
(Prerequisites: EPY 8214, EDF 9373). Three hours lecture. Introduction to qualitative research, including theoretical considerations and applied methods, techniques, and analysis of field-based educational research.

EPY 6214 Educational & Psychological Statistics
Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. A course in statistics for education and educational psychology majors. Analysis, description of and inference from various types of data.

EPY 8214 Advanced Educational & Psychological Statistics
(Prerequisite: EPY 4214/6214 or its equivalent.) Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. A survey of advanced statistical methods with emphasis upon the design and analysis of research problems in education and psychology.

Dissertation Research
(Minimum of 20 Credit Hours)

CCL 9000 Dissertation Research (20 Credit Hours)
Dissertation hours must not be taken until successful completion of the Doctoral Written and Oral Preliminary exam.

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Contact Information

Photo of Mindy Wolfe

Mindy Wolfe

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements
Photo of Anusha Rijal

Anusha Rijal

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance
Filler Photo

Dr. Katie Oswalt

Educational Leadership

  • Assistant Teaching Professor and Coordinator